Category: Books


Nope – its mine!

Its not easy writing about nothing. That’s what a cowpoke was saying as I entered the frame of a dream.  Vaguely handsome, intensely laconic, he was balancing on a folding chair, learning backwards, his...

Infernal Schemes – In which Mr. Dowler meets the Iron Lady

Fiendish Schemes, J.W. Jeter Wonderful and delightfully well-written steam punk novel, which envisions an alternative past of steam power instead of internal combustion. Steam robots abound, fiendish schemes, sentient oceans which move where they...

What’s in a Name? About our blog name

The name of the blog comes from a spacecraft found in the Culture novels and short stories by Iain M. Banks. The Culture is a hybrid society featured in many of these novels. In...

I must be going to the wrong bookstores

In the dream, he is in a bookshop.  It is a dark, filthy place, with a low ceiling and a drooping staircase that leads up to a small attic.  The shelves bend their backs under the...

Decline of a newsroom

Wonderful photo-essay slideshow of the Philadelphia newsroom. Takes a few minutes to load.

Big Bad Amazon

NY Times today ran an article on Amazon and the frightening prospect of Amazon not only selling ebooks, but actually making deals direct with authors.  The nerve!  And not even talking to the publishing...

Quelle Différence

I was recently researching a purchase of International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN), which are the  10-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally.  I found the USA site first – ISBN...