Doing it right – how to sell online

Recently I purchased an 80 gallon aquarium and have been setting it up. Amazing the difference in prices between local pet shops and sourcing online or from Ebay. In the course of my online research and shopping, as a consumer, not as a SEO web guy, I found an interesting site which is an excellent example of how to sell online.

My first searches were for “aquarium layout design” which brought me to this page – which is a gallery of world champion aquarium layouts. If you are an aquarium hobbyist, particularly with a large budget, this is a great resource.

Exploring the site further, clicking on ‘About Planted Aquariums’ brings you to a page with 7 downloadable PDFs with detailed and surprisingly high-level technical information on CO2 supplementation, lighting, filtration and others. All of the PDFs, of course reference items which are conveniently for sale in the online store.

The online store is nicely designed and carries a wide range of high quality specialty products at reasonable prices. One nice feature is the addition of text articles with detailed explanations. (see CO2 Distribution).

All in all, a nice site – draw people in with free information, show that you know what you are talking about, retail related products and you’ll have happy customers.

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