Industries that do well in recession

Reading about the economy has gotten me all gloomy! And there is a lot to be gloomy about – see my previous posts, The Bank Played on… and Canadian Economic Outlook.

Oh, and there is more and it is even worse – See here and here.

So how to protect yourself?

If you have investments, Elliott Wave is a great resource. If you are a small business person, the Internet is absolutely essential as say, HALF of your business. According to Paypal’s VP, 50% of ALL purchases now have an Internet component. That is, 50% are researched online then purchased offline, or purchased online.

Who is doing well and growing?

Here is a quick list:

# Loan modification, loss mitigation and credit counseling
# Rental Real Estate vs Purchase Real Estate
# Liquidators, especially business equipment
# Second hand sellers/buyers
# Family Counseling
# Biotechnology
# Community Housing Services
# Family Counseling
# Video Games
# e commerce and Online Auction
# Flea Markets, Traders, Classifieds
# Discount Retailers
# DIY (Do It Yourself) industry for hardware, supplies and instruction for keeping up maintenance rather than replacing.
# Debt Collection Agencies
# Education and Training, as layoffs create need to prepare for alternative employment
# Temporary Staffing and Contract Employment Services
# Rental and Leasing Firms, as companies have less cash for purchasing equipment
# Healthcare, consistent but more in demand when stress increases
# Resellers of just about anything used or refurbished
# Equipment Repair, Home Repair and Handyman Services
# Auto Repair and Maintenance
# Information, classes, books and/or home study courses on repair, cooking, no-cost leisure activities, etc.
# Lottery, Alcohol and Tobacco
# Internet Marketing and Business Opportunity Industry

More detailed and specific information on New Economy jobs
Read more:

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1 Response

  1. February 14, 2011

    […] all in not gloom and doom! , Many industries are growing like crazy, and can’t hire enough staff. The web continues to grow in leaps and […]