Blog Security

I keep getting asked for how to make wordpress secure so here is the URL for changing your tables –

This is a tutorial for getting under the hood and into the guts of WordPress and making it bullet-proof.

Is it really necessary is the next question. That depends on whether you have anything worth taking. If your blog has no traffic and no Page Rank, then it probably isn’t a big issue because there isn’t anything worth stealing. If you have a PR6 blog that is clean (no links to prescription drug sites, life insurance sits etc.) with hundreds or even dozens of Authority sites one-way linking to you, then you have something valuable and worth taking.

How valuable? A PR 5 – 6 link sells for $20 – $30 per month. The last hack on one of my high value sites put 50 or so invisible links at the bottom of the page. Even at $20/month, thats $1000 per month of free links!

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