A busy November? or no? Google’s previews

I have been feeling rather smug lately with a nice 20% jump in traffic from Google since the start of November. Conversions were down, but a nice boost in traffic. Now it has dropped back down 🙁 Seems that Google’s new feature, Previews is double counting. What a surprisingly bad and embarrassing error from Google!

Google Previews is pretty interesting new feature that Google rolled out early this month. An interesting post on where Google is going (which isn’t far) see SEOBook. I was going to write up Google Preview but fellow Canadians Search Engine People did a great job so I thought I would just link to them. Here is the complete Google Preview FAQ.

Here is the announcement from Google Analytics Blog blandly saying they have ‘fixed’ the problem, although they are not re-processing back data.

And a great run down on how to use Advanced Segmentation to view traffic without the Preview double-counting from WebShare.


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