Tribute to Sarah Palin – We hardly knew ye

Europe is still circling the drain, getting ready from the big dive, Steve Jobs died, and now we hear from Wasilla that Sara Palin isn’t running for president! What next?

Andrew Sullivan sums it up:

Palin talks to Mark Levin here (her voice is the deeper one). Her explanation is, as usual, opaque. But the idea that this person is protecting her family – after putting them all on a reality show, after deploying an infant with Down Syndrome as a book-selling prop, after pushing her son into the military, after sending her elderly dad headfirst into a ravine for a reality TV shot, and after using another young daughter as a campaign press bouncer … well, it’s as ludicrous as almost everything she says. … And the sheer craziness of this clinically disturbed person would bring it all crashing down [anyway]. So she’s bowing out. Call it cowardice; call it a rare example of sanity; call it a bizarre end to an even weirder game of hide and seek for the past few months.

Talking Points Memo has a collection of her greatest hits on Video –

Sara Palin can’t name a supreme court decision:

Can’t name a newspaper she reads,

Can’t name a founding father,

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