Internet-enabled models will accelerate the replacement of traditional approaches by institutions, governments and organizations

Don Tapscott is an entrepreneur, consultant and author of books on the digital age. His 14th, “Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World,” is in bookstores today and was written as a result of the financial and institutional crises, something he calls “twilight time for the elites”.
He maintains that 2008 represents a turning point where Internet-enabled models will accelerate the replacement of traditional approaches by institutions, governments and organizations.
“Reboot all the old models, approaches and structures or risk institutional paralysis or even collapse,” he and his co-author Anthony Williams write. “Good things happen when we seize the opportunity to contribute our ideas, our passion and our creativity. The question is whether the world is ready to truly embrace the social and economic innovations that this collaboration could unleash.”
He provides fresh examples of innovation based on five elements required to “reboot” successfully: Collaboration, openness, sharing, integrity/honesty and inter-dependence.

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