Monthly Archive: November 2006

Outsourcing SEO

Outsourcing SEO

Anyone that hasn’t heard of outsourcing by now must be either hiding in a cave or not working in the service industry. Call Centers are front and center but it seems outsourcing is spreading...

Who is this Blog for?

Who is this Blog for?

This blog is for people with some understanding of SEO, but not for not for the real professionals. Most people that I talk to, clients and potential clients, have some understanding of the search...



Frequently asked questions about Search Engine Optimization

Linking Criteria

Linking Criteria

Linking is the staple of SEO. Reciprocal links, one-way links, directory links, links from article syndication are all part of a well rounded linking campaign. With the search engines, especially Google, looking for quality...

Website Marketing Plan

Website Marketing Plan

Here is an interesting video from, which explains their Website marketing plan. What caught my eye about this is they are basically describing a content site, and taking a much broader view of...